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An educational project by the Etheros Group .

A project that was born from the desire to show the public that classical scores are of a special beauty, and that indeed "classic is fantastic".

At the urging of our bass, Ștefan Voicu, we started this project for all those who want to listen to the usual songs of the Romanian Orthodox cult and watch the score at the same time: "We have had countless requests for teaching materials, both within the men's choir" Sfântul Antim Ivireanul ", of the Oltenița Archdiocese, which I lead, and from colleagues, friends from all over the country. Of course, first we adress to orthodox male choirs, with works from the Holy Mass by Gavriil Musicescu, never the less the most used answers to four voices in the Romanian land by male groups.We hope to be able to expand to other local composers, in the future with works for mixed groups, children's choirs or equal voices. This type of advertising of choral singing is not new, but it is a premiere for the world of Romanian Orthodox choral music and is addressed especially to those eager to learn, to perfect themselves in deciphering these polyvocal sounds. I believe this is what I wish I had at my disposal at the beginning of my activity in the choir. That is why I think of these materials as a gift of ours for future generations and also is a gesture of gratitude for the forerunners who transmitted harmony to us with love and interpretive skill. Special thanks to the colleagues from the "Etheros" Group for the patience, involvement, skill and love they brought with them in this project! We hope that it will be useful for you, both for the musical improvement, and especially for the soul!

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